Dan Shar is great in this. Produced and edited by Chad WIlson. Shot at the Playground Theater by Jason Beaumont. I'm genuinely curious what pops up for you when you choose our stattion. Since you can thumbs up and thumbs down on tracks, and I can't tell if mine is just so customized or if ti's really the algorithm. At the beginning there were lots of standup tracks, which was annoying since we're a band. But now for mine the mix has Alice in Chains, Johnny Cash, James McMurtry, and Flight of the Conchords, which is about right -- wondering what others get.
This was an interesting, enlightening experience from 5ish years ao. This is my cut for a web-only college spot from a script for a life hack. Cork from Lola Balatro did the voiceover (from a storage spot in basement of the dearly departed Pub Theater). I don't even know who did the "real" audio or what that final product looked like. But I got to cast Anthony Venturini and Hannah Brown, so that was worth it. Kind of amazing how many hands and how much budget was involved, but that's me coming from the extra lean DIY side, which is just more fun.
An intro I used, oof, maybe 6 years ago for the San Francisco Sketch Comedy Festival and maybe Chicago Sketchfest. The Paul Thomas Effort, which was solo sketches and video. The graphics are y own lame attempt at using a template, hence the lack of sharpness on the letteing. The footage is from Sit For Glory. With a pro doing it, it could work. Keeping The Paul Thomas Effort for a show name, though.
Cut this a few years ago for my muddy Matty. Check it/him out. Outstanding comedian, actor, and fellow.
Feelin' down with the pandemblues? Poetry by Lola Balatro should help you out. Lola Balatro is Cork Kangas, Jeff Madden, Paul Thomas. Lola Balatro debuted the Questionable Beef video ten years ago today at our CD release party, right about the time when people stopped buying CDs. (side note: we're on Spotify, Pandora, and probably other places.) The full album is on the the band page, and when we play live we always have some to give away. If you're out of town, you can email me at that little icon up top and we can send you one. The badass album cover was created by the amazing Shawn Finley. |
January 2021