Ped Crossing is a comedy web series that follows a presumed pedophile. Yep. Written and directed by comedian Paul Thomas and featuring over 20 Chicago stand-up and sketch comedians, Ped Crossing ups the ante on America’s love affair with antiheroes. The 11-episode series has a continuing storyline that focuses on a presumed pedophile named Byron, played by Thomas, as he struggles with drama-inducers like job hunting, car buying, and roommate trouble, all along trying to impress a world-wise kid he refers to as Kanye West.
Ped Crossing was a weeknight and weekend project from 2009-2011 and released January 2012. With only a budget for mustaches and microphones and a crew of one, Ped Crossing was produced, shot, and edited by Chad Wilson, a frequent collaborator of Thomas. Watch the trailer and fall in love. |
Episode #1 - "Kanye"
Meet Byron.
Episode #2 - "Leon of Kings"
Byron goes vehicle shopping.
Episode #3 - "James Dean"
Byron gets stylish. |
Episode #4 - "A Close Shave"
Byron gets a roommate.
Episode #5 - "Reality Bites"
Life gets real for Byron.
Episode #6 - "Snap, Crack, and Pop"
Byron moves out - kind of.
Episode #7 - "Lady and the Tramp"
Byron gets another roommate. Or 2?
Episode #8 - "Parks and Wreck"
Byron has man trouble.
Episode #9 - "The Pianist"
Byron's crap hits the fan.
Episode #10 - "The Seeker"
Byron needs a job.
Episode #11 - "All Quiet on the Eastern Front"
Full web series in one video - It's kinda like a movie! |